Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Bench press
275 x 7
230 x 10, 10, 10, 10
Super-set with dumbbell rows
125s x 10, 10, 10, 15

Dumbbell press
80s x 12, 12, 10
Super-set with T-bar rows
3 plates x 15
4 plates x 10, 10

275x7 is a good improvement, pleased to be at that level again.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Mat pulls (6)
515 x 9
405 x 12 
* Hitting this the day after 20 rep squats, which was after 405x10 squats, is nice.

Landmine RDLs
4 plates x 10, 12

Goblet squats
50 x 10
115 x 10

Walking dumbbell lunges
50s x 20

Wendler rows
4 plates x 12, 13, 15

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Squatted with the Yukon bar 320x20 tonight, then impulsively did a set of 25lb plate pullovers. Emevas' latest Super Squat run inspired this in me; I needed a quick squat workout that appropriately followed up 405x10 the night before last. Improvement over 315x15 a few weeks ago.

Finish this at about 9:30 p.m. Heading out to help a friend move now. I have deadlifts on the agenda tomorrow. Splitting up my workouts has been going great. I am having a nice balance between long-ass everything sessions and pragmatic short-rest quickies. When I have the time a 90-min to 2-hour session is like a treat but I can't do that four days a week with how busy I am. Either way, the work is getting done and I am growing.
Squatted 410 x 10 a few nights ago and then called it a night because it was past 8pm and I had work the next day. Pleased I was able to hit that.
170 x 8
135 x 10, 10, 10, 10
Super-set with pull-ups
45 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Overhead shrugs
135 x 12
155 x 10

Barbell skullcrushers
115 x 10, 13, 13 (last set super-set with band press downs x 15)
Super-set with upright rows
115 x 12, 13, 13

Alternating dumbbell curls
50s x 20
Giant-set with band pressdowns x 13
Giant-set with dumbbell upright rows 
50s x 15

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

 Hit the heavy bag with some bare knuckle MT rounds. All 4 pieces that held onto the chain have torn-off, so now the bag cannot be mounted without some modification. That's OK though, I have it propped up against a tree. The nice thing about this set-up is I can kick it better without the bag stands impeding my footwork. I can also angle it so I can practice low kicks that mimic a partner holding a kick shield. Just need to get some rope to secure it, but my rounds on it so far have already been fun.

Need to get some batteries for my scale, have no idea what I'm walking around at but I'm feeling the extra bodybuilding work I've been doing. Chest has been sore for days and can't remember the last time that's happened. As expected, eating, meal prep, and dishwashing is an absolute slog, but there's something delightfully nostalgic about this misery, especially as I sit here at the office drinking my homemade weightgainer shake.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Bench press
185 x 5
225 x 5
260 x 10
225 x 4 x 10
Super-set with dumbbell rows
125s x 5 x 10

Dumbbell press
80s x 11, 10
Incline with 50s x 10

At this point I couldn't keep up with how short my rest times were. Something to note though, added lateral raises for the first time in forever after seeing a clip of Arnold doing them. I think they are a good addition while I'm gaining to pack on some shoulder meat.
Did some belt squats last, up to 8 plates x 12, super-setted with goblet squats and dumbbell lunges with the 50s. After three rounds of this, my quads were torched. Just in time to go out to dinner with my brother who was visiting and sister.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Last night: Mat pulls (6)
515 x 0
500 x 9
405 x 17
* My body didn't want to pull today so this was a win. VERY gunshy over my back but once the weight is moving I can keep it going. If my back was healthier I could have grinded out more but felt this was at my limit today and shut it down.

Deficit deads
315 x 10

Barbell shrugs
315 x 20

Leg curls
90 x 20

It was getting past 8pm and I don't have a day off at the moment so I ended it here to get ready for tomorrow's work day. I owe belt squats and ab work today.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 6
155 x 10 + Hise shrugs x 10
135 x 10, 6+2 rest-pause reps, 8, 8
Super-set with wide pull-ups
12, 12, 12, 12, 12

Barbell skullcrushers
115 x 3 x 10
Super-set with high pulls
115 x 3 x 12

Dumbbell curls mixed with high pulls

Pressing power is a definite weak point right now. Packing on the calories.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Up to 375 x 10
275 x 12, 12, 10, 12

Dumbbell RDLs
125s x 12, 12

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Mat pulled 515 for 5 reps off a stack of 5, which I was happy with fresh off my back injury. Did lots of upper-back and shrug work after and those areas have been sore for a couple days now.

I'm currently working without a day off due to my co-worker getting arrested. Life is crazy. Adapt or die!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2022

315 x 15, 10, 12
Last set dropped down to 225, 135, and finally a 50lb kettlebell goblet squat x 10

This is practically a deload workout. Was low on time so got this done in 30 minutes. Was taking it easy on my back, no problems with it tonight. Also went back to the straight bar because the Yukon bar is definitely harder on the back. This felt like a toy.

Hip flexor is feeling better! Don't know how it'd feel with 405+ but I barely noticed it here.

Was surprised at how fresh I felt on each set, almost as if it was my first. Would like to do 315x20 next time.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Woke up and did 5 minutes on the bike, 50 burpees, and 50 jumping jacks. Lots of stretching at work.
155 x 3
175 x 3
195 x 3

Push press
195 x 3, 3, 5

Mix of chin-ups and wide pull-ups
10, 10

Barbell skullcrushers
95 x 12
105 x 10, 12
115 x 10, 10
Upright rows
95 x 15
105 x 12, 10
115 x 10, 10
Chin-ups and wide pull-ups
12, 8, 8, 8, 8

35 push-ups 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Woke-up and did 3 minutes on the bike and 40 straight burpees. About 5 minutes total before going to work.

Back is more or less recovered from the injured state and back to its everyday levels of discomfort and pain. Just did a bunch of stretches and yoga poses at the office, which always helps.

My schedule is getting a bit tighter. My boss wants me in the office more hours. There's a lot of fat in my normal schedule to trim that will afford me time to hit the goals I need. An obvious one is to not eat and chill at home before training; that will be done at the office and I'll train when I get home. I also don't take proper breaks at work; I eat at my desk and stand-up or stretch as needed, but actually walking away and coming back makes a big difference.

Working with my client remotely at 7:00 today, so will train after work and before then. 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Back is still injured but I'm taking the initiative to do workouts at the office. Nothing structured which makes recording it tough. I've done shadow boxing including footwork, practice, jumping jacks, and running on the no power treadmill using my legs to move the treads.
I don't want to lift. I don't want to lift. I don't want to-

Yukon shut-up squats
340 x 3
390 x 3
442.5. x 3
Drop-down sets to the bar

A little while after this workout my back started to majorly hurt and now it's a full-blown injury. Had some trouble sleeping and walking is tough.