Squats: 225 x 20
Super-set with deadlifts: 225 x 20
Standing ab wheel: 8 reps
Just squatting with 135 during warm-ups made me feel soreness in my quads from Friday that I wasn't aware was there, as I've been walking and running fine. 225 was uncomfortable as a result, but just the right weight for a deload. Used a mixed-grip with deadlifts, no straps for this.
Because I hit this soon after I got home from work, rather than eating first and then waiting, I had more time than usual the rest of the evening. Definitely going to make eating BEFORE I leave the office more of a habit. I was able to easily do that this time by making twice the amount of ground bison that I usually do, giving me extra meal prep bowls.
Aside from chores, I spent the rest of the evening doing stretching and soft-tissue work via my massage gun, foam roller, and Rolflex (compression device for elbow pain). Just cycled between them all to treat my shoulders, IT band, lower back, and left elbow while I watched TV. Also stretched out my hamstrings on the kitchen counter and the floor. About 2 hours before bed, I also went on a 30-minute night walk while listening to a Dan John podcast.
I mentioned my IT band: the upper area of that is what's been bothering me when I squat and sit for extended periods of time, rather than my "hip". It's been an on-and-off annoyance for the past few years.
Finally, this morning I did a 30-second dead hang and then foam rolled my lower back some more.
I feel INCREDIBLE today as a result of all that, like the feeling right after a big stretch in the morning but extended. I think putting all that together in a written list with timed intervals as a routine will make sure I cover everything on a regular basis without having to think about it, especially on busier nights.
Got boxing on the agenda today but my shoulders feel up for it.