ME upper
Bench press:
4 x 3 135, 185, 225, 275 lbs.
4 x 1 325 lbs.
> Have the last set on video (which, coincidentally, was my worst). No bounce, but definitely wouldn't have passed in competition. From now on, I'll employ strict pauses at the bottom.
Overhead tricep extensions:
4 x 8 75 lbs. of plates
Front raises:
3 x 16 45 lb. dumbbells
Cable rows:
4 x 8 150 lbs.
Hammer curls:
1 x 16 55 lb. dumb bells
1 x 12 55 lb. dumbbells
1 x 10 55 lb. dumbbells
The picture makes it look like a 2-step lift. Trust me, it was an ugly rep. The first three were much better.
Edit: now that YouTube is back up -