Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Bench press
250 x 3
290 x 3
325 x 3
* Felt real light.
Last set super-set with bent-over rows (unilateral)
50 with Fat Gripz x 10 followed immediately by 115 x 5

Bench press
245 x 10, 9, 9
Super-set with dumbbell rows (bilateral)
8, 9, 10

Iron Woody band press
Super-set with dumbbell rows (bi)

Purple band chest flyes

Real pleased with this program cycle thus far. Broke through some poundages that I was stalling on previously. Gonna do some bicep curls and rear-delt work at the office this evening (there's a basic weight set there).

Also, so I'm not seeing "Untitled" for every post in my post list, I'm adding entry numbers again which I used to manually keep track of.
Been dealing with some work-related stress (no day off last week, bickering with my boss) and lack of sleep over the weekend but my strength has been on the upswing.

The rundown for Saturday was squatting an easy 440x3 and then staying over in Santa Cruz. Went to the beach at night and the next morning, it was a blast. It was like Silent Hill at midnight.