Wednesday, November 10, 2021

 Mat pulls (4)
570 x 0, 0
500 x 9 (TNG)

Front squats/back squats
135 x 5, 5
225 x 5, 5

This is all I had time before between working first job and going to second. Felt kinda lousy about not being able to move 570, but 500x9 is a PR and I knowingly violated my method of longer stretches of recovery because I'm getting my COVID booster shot tonight and I wanted to get in all my training before a planned rest day tomorrow from the side-effects.

 Yesterday did 60 burpees and the rest of my typical living room conditioning workout, primarily with shadow kickboxing to videos, for a total of 22 minutes. Not fasted, was after breakfast.

Went on a jog at night.