Axle press
160 x 5
180 x 5
205 x 5
* Promising performance, felt really strong. Thought I might not get the 5th, took a deep breath, and powered it up with no trouble. Using elbow sleeves as of today, just think it's a good idea because for the first time my left elbow has been pissed off for more than a few months now.
Axle push press
205 x 6
Axle incline bench
205 x 9
220 x 8
Axle decline bench
220 x 10
250 x 8
* Man, I really like decline benching now whe n I used to shit on it. It's just a joint-friendly way to bench heavy and my flat bench seems to respond well.
All presses super-set with bent-over dumbbell rows of 100, 115, and 125 pounders x 8-10
Incline skullcrushers
35s x 10
Super-set with incline curls
35s x 10
Medley of incline chest flyes, rear-delt flyes, push-ups, band chest-flyes, more curls
Really good pump, chest and arms were blown up after taking sleeves off. Despite not doing a ton of cardio lately I'm looking lean, I think I've been eating pretty intelligently. Haven't weighed myself in awhile. I need to figure out competing again. I'll look to see if there's a date for the cursed meet I signed up for more than a year ago now, but also go for a new one. Maybe strongman?