Friday, February 22, 2019

Got some hard sparring rounds in tonight. My new headgear is a protective wonder. Ate a headkick and kept on trucking even after my opponent stopped out of concern. I would say I employed my gameplan with success tonight. Threw combos, angled out of corners, and utilized my 1-2 attack pattern.

My jab was crazy fast tonight and found a lot of victims. On the other, my distance was off for more kicks than I would have liked. I may actually blame this on the headgear I just praised a moment ago. Extra protection means less visibility and I found myself looking down to see incoming kicks a lot, something I had gotten over doing before. A lot of my kicks fell short, too.

Felt like death at the end of the last round but came away with little actual damage other than a sore leg.

Afterwards, went to my uncle's and had a nice Persian dinner. Going to bed at a reasonable hour to wake up for more training tomorrow and a work dinner + party in the evening.
Mat pulls (5)
Up to 535x5
* Not too hard. Deadlifting as assistance work is really helping. Might have had another in me, and definitely had a couple more if I rest-paused.

SSB box squats
Up to 330x3x5

SSB hise shrugs
330 x 20

Neck crunches between sets

Wanted to do some deadlifts and ab work but I'm sparring this evening and want to be fresh. Walked into work after this session not even feeling like I lifted in the morning.