Entry #568
Weighed in at 210. Have not been taking weightgainer this past week.
Had less than five hours of sleep last night.
ME lower-body
6 x 3 135, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365 lbs.
1 x 1 415 lbs.
1 x 0 415 lbs.
1 x 1 415 lbs.
I let my mind wander on that failed set, and could barely budge the bar off the ground. I came back about a minute later and made it.
Overhead hyper-extensions:
4 x 8 45 lbs.
Weighted cable crunches:
4 x 12 Entire stack
One-armed dumbbell rows:
4 x 8 115 lb. dumbbells
> Strangely light.
I'm probably going to remove my recent YouTube videos. My partner told me that he wasn't comfortable with them being up in public. I mostly put them up because I'm low on hard drive space, but oh well. I'd have to erase a game or two so I can store more. First, I'll see if setting them to private would be enough, but I don't want to press the issue with him.