Monday, August 10, 2009

Entry #775

ME upper

Floor press:
135 x 3
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 3
315 x 3
330 x 3
340 x 2
> Failed. I'm going to tattoo "STAY TIGHT" on both eyeballs because I'm habitually slipping up and staying too lax without breathing forcefully enough.

Bradford press:
135 x 7
135 x 6
95 x 5
45 x 5
> Good progress here. I want to work up to all sets being 135 x 8 with these short rest times I'm employing. This is a real shoulder killer.

Tate press:
80 lb. dumbbells x 5
80 lb. dumbbells x 5
45 lb. dumbbells x 5
> Tris were dead. Extremely short rest times.

Chin-ups and abs at the track.