Friday, August 26, 2022

Weight is down to 198. Part of that is probably from deloading off creatine. 

SSB narrow stance squats

240 x 15
290 x 10
330 x 7

Bench press
275 x 6
Drop-sets of 225 x 7, 185 x 8. 135 x 10, 95 x 15, push-ups x 7, bar x 15

Dumbbell rows
125s x 8, 8, 9
Super-set with facepulls 

My goal was to rep 240, knowing my hip pain wouldn't let me approach max weights. Realized after I could probably keep going. There was pain but manageable. Knee hurt on the first attempt at 225 but more warming-up and keeping tight remedied that.

Experimenting with drop-sets on the bench press since they work so well with squats on a calorie deficit.

I'm thinking about returning in the evening to do heavy belt squats and get in some curls. Keg runs too. I have in mind to do both ATG narrow squats and heavy belt squats to cover all my bases in absence of my normal heavy squats.

Shoulders were a little sore from VR boxing yesterday. That's OK, prepares me for actual martial arts training again. It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to go light in that game. The opponent throwing knockout blows just causes me to react in kind. I was delivering bombs.

OH, something I'm not sure I mentioned. I bench wider now. It's harder for me. I've always been a fairly close-grip bencher, with pinkies in the ring or inside that even. Now it's ring finger, or a little past that approaching middle. Took  advice from Louie Simmons on benching wider as a way to progress on the bench. Interesting how that coincides with squatting narrower (advice I've heard from Dave Tate or Matt Wenning, can't remember which).

Workout was finished in one hour, pleased with the pace and difficulty level that brought me. The gift of injury.

 Yesterday I VR boxed for approximately 30 minutes and went on a jog. Went out and saw the new Dragonball movie in theaters afterwards, which was great. Had the theater to ourselves. Only problem is I didn't want to sleep when we got back home.