Sunday, September 24, 2023

Block press
315 x 1
365 x 1
370 x 1
Block press: 315 x 4, 4
Wide chin-ups: 15, 15, 

Bench press
285 x 5

Giant set
Incline bench press: 205 x 7, 7, 185x7
Dips: 10, 10, 5
Chin-ups: 15, 15, 15

39 second chin-up

10 dips

A combination of weight loss, back injury, and recent 100 lb dips made everything feel heavy today, so I hit a grindy 370 and then added sets of 315 as a new challenge. I'm not afraid to fail under a press, but getting pinned with a back injury crosses into the realm of stupidity.

Speaking of which, yesterday was the second Saturday in a row that I hurt my back doing something innocuous - bending down slightly, in the most recent case. Very frustrating but my resolve is like steel. I'm mentally adapted to living in constant pain and can only go up from here.

So that cancelled any type of squats. Even did 25 bodyweight ones until I decided I wasn't liking the pressure on my lumbar and canceled them. 

Ended up going for a spontaneous hour and a half walk with the person I'm seeing. Started off as a walk in the park and then we decided to just keep going all the way to the next city through a nature trail that winds alongside the freeway. Reached a pub for our destination and I feasted on beer, ribs, and mac and cheese.