Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Entry #447

I forgot a factor on yesterday's weigh-in. I've been off of creatine for a number of months, so I must have gained weight to still be at 230.

"ME" lower-body

Speed bag warm-up

Box squats:
2 X 3       135 lbs.
8 X 3       225 lbs.
Additionally, I removed one plate from the stack for a total of three plates and the box. My old amount was two plates.

Dumbell lunges:
3 X 10     75 lb. dumbbells

Good mornings:
1 X 10     95 lbs.
1 X 10     115 lbs.
2 X 8       135 lbs.

Cable crunches:
5 X 10

CoC grip work