Just got back from the gym after my first day since the injury. I didn't last long.
I would chalk that up to successful condition monitoring. I didn't hurt myself or experience any resonating pain. I simply began to note that my shoulder was growing more sore so I terminated the session. It was rehabilitative and productive while it lasted, so I'm calling it a success as far experimenting with my ability and trying to get a sense of how to train from here on out is concerned. I went in with the intent of doing a bodybuilding-style workout with lots of super-sets to compensate for the drop in weight, but that didn't happen. I managed to put up 135 on pin press, but I decided that going to the intended 225 for reps would have been too much. Besides, the bounce of the barbell on the safety bars wasn't feeling too good. I should try this again with board pressing instead.
I'm toying with the idea of using the TFS pyramid scheme on board presses. Because the volume is high in reps, the weight is kept reasonable - but because it's applied in "bursts" instead of fewer, longer sets, it can still be relatively heavy and healthy for my shoulder (by the way, I'm foregoing bench press for board and pin press due to the limited ROM, of course). I also want to try doing bodybuilding-form bench press to incorporate more chest and less shoulders (maybe stopping an inch above chest level, still).
Finally, I'm following Diesel Crew's rehab video, although I'm not following it as a strict regimen 6 days a week or anything.
It's frustrating but my condition continues to improve. I will be back. I will have revenge.