First non-deload session was box squats on Friday. Worked up to 330 x 5 for several sets, then did timed holds with 420 while hise shrugging the weight.
Went to boxing that night and sparred for most of the session. In the rotation was one guy who was dancing around and backpedaling the entire time. That's one way to defend, but we were told to stay in a limited space at the start and we were going all over the gym. I couldn't really drill much with him in a back-and-forth manner because I just chased him the whole time and used my superior reach to lightly make contact. Another opponent was a big guy who probably hit too hard for a sparring match but I never vocally complain about that. I got to trade with the coach for a while too and it was ridiculous how much lighter he went than almost everyone I've gone up against. It let me slow down a bit and focus on technique.
After work yesterday I dumbbell pressed up to 125 for 8 and bench pressed 175 for sets of 8. Continuing the weight increase with no issues. A milestone I made at the end was curling the 50 lb kettlebell with both hands. I have a well-developed tricep and a comparatively deflated bicep so I'm excited to bring some balance back to the Force.
Currently at work and it's dumping rain. Hopefully things are dyer by the time I squat in the afternoon.