Thursday, October 26, 2023

Romanian deadlifts
365 x 8, 8, 8
10 shrugs at the end of each set

1:15 plank

Went easy on my back and opted for rep work over heavy singles. It's been feeling good with minimal pain but has been taking more of a beating using the log so I'm being smart about recovery.

Got a new pair of 45 lb bumper plates. Not nearly enough to fill the bar for deadlifts but yes for anything with cleans. And with health insurance for the first time in my adult life I'm keeping an eye out for strongman comps in addition to a powerlifting meet next month.
Got in 40 burpees and 50 jumping-jacks before work yesterday and at night, only about an hour and a half before bed, did one sprint up my usual hill (which I long ago named Heart Attack Hill after a racing track name I thought was awesome in the game Burnout 2 almost two decades ago), followed by a 12 minute jog.

This morning, I put on a shadowboxing video on YouTube and joined in, except adding kicks to make it kickboxing. I actually look forward to this morning ritual as it gets chillier because it makes me warmer in the cold mornings than huddling in bed does.