Monday, August 23, 2021

This was from Saturday.

170 x 5
190 x 0, 3
215 x 0, 1
145 x 9, 9
Last 3 sets paired with chins
10, 10
45 x 9

Band-resisted incline dumbbell press
50s x 12, 12
Super-set with chins
45 x 9, 10

Rest of the session was a flurry of super and giant sets

Man, rough pressing effort, but I still got the numbers done. That 215 was a total grind.

Ended up staying awake for 36 hours while hanging out at George's watching a marathon of kung-fu movies. I ate and hydrated impeccably so I felt really good at the end of it, and got lots of sunlight and outside air at the pool on Sunday.