Saturday, September 5, 2020

Startee the day by making half of my weightgainer, as an example of gradually ramping the calories down. Only other difference right now is not being as junk food like ice cream, especially late at night. Did eat a free Whopper offered to me by one of the plumbers at work though.

Did three hills sprints on Heart Attack Hill and then went on a jog. Haven't done that in a while, mostly been going on jogs. Definitely felt the increased difficulty at this weight.

One thing I should note is that my weight standards are different from before. I'm weighing myself first thing in the morning without clothes currently whereas before in this log it'd be midday at the gym. If I was doing that I'd be around 220 now, so I'm not as light compared to the past as it may seem. (Usually ended bulks at 230)

Ending weight gain phase. Wasn't too epic at just under 4 months of it but I've gotta get going with making weight for November if I don't want to feel rushed.

Start weight: 192
Press: 220x2
Bench press: 350
Squat: 500
Deadlift: ?

End weight: 215
Press: 225x3
Bench press: 370
Squat: 520
Deadlift: ?

These are just confirmed lifts but I can definitely do more than that on bench and squat. Deadlift is too much of an unknown for me to accurately quantify it, since I've been mat pulling and the performance for that has been allll over the place. As of late it's improved a ton, that I know.

Man, despite the extra chest work I think my chest still doesn't look great.

Bench pressed 340x3, which is a lifetime PR. 

Haven't been writing logs during workouts lately so I've only been recapping the powerlifts and strict pressing. Gonna change that. Honestly didn't even realize I'd stopped until I thought about it just now.