Up to 585 x1
500 x 10
Only had it in me to grind out a single today, so showed 500 what's up. Called it here to take a friend to a doctor's appointment.
Total time spent here was 45 minutes, which is quick for me even with this little amount done. I spend a lot of time in my gym warming-up because of my knees and back. My aim for 2022 is to push the pace and make around 70 minutes the norm for a full work-out.
500 x 10
Only had it in me to grind out a single today, so showed 500 what's up. Called it here to take a friend to a doctor's appointment.
Total time spent here was 45 minutes, which is quick for me even with this little amount done. I spend a lot of time in my gym warming-up because of my knees and back. My aim for 2022 is to push the pace and make around 70 minutes the norm for a full work-out.
Phil Stevens commented recently that he's training 6 days a week in 20 minute workouts so he doesn't miss a session. No matter what, giving up 20 minutes is doable in a day. I'm taking the cue and doing shorter workouts with higher frequency when my schedule requires it.