Monday, October 4, 2021

Before breakfast today I did my usual fasted workout routine. 50 burpees, total time for everything was 18 minutes.

Had a near total rest day yesterday and feeling very refreshed. Still got in some stretches and a few minutes of shadowboxing. 
Yukon squatted 435x3 and benched 315x1. For my horizontal pressing I'm simply bringing in more bench pressing for the assistance work, nothing works better than that. Hit sets of 225-235 for 6-8 reps. 

Recently reviewed my squat videos from a year ago when I was repping 500 and I'm not sure some of those would have passed depth in a meet. I'm sinking in deep now.

That has been higher in carbs lately, I've been so rocked from soreness that my body just wants to eat. I weighed 194 yesterday in the morning. Basically zigzag dieting, sometimes I'm lowering carbs and then when my body is feeling rocked I eat more.