Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Since I hit a decent squat single the other day but no follow-up sets I did a quick run with the SSB today, up to 330 for two sets of 10 with 4 minutes of rest between, ATG (only feel the need to note that because I usually go to parallel on heavier squats and I consider them both valid as different ways to get stronger). My legs were surprisingly a bit sore warming-up. Probably accumulative training via running, keg carries, hill sprints, and then squats just the day before yesterday even if the reps were low. Cut it here due to work and am currently typing this at the office. Will do good mornings and abs when I get home.

My plan was go over 380 and rep that but quads were sore enough for ATG 330 to be a decent challenge, especially with shorter rest times. I'm aiming to push the pace more and make 4 minutes NOT be a short amount of rest for me, at least on some days. Still find a lot of value emphasizing maxing out my top weight on certain sets and days, rest times be damned.