Last night:
480 x 1, 2
410 x 8
Was going for a minimum of 3 reps with 5 being extra credit, but it was just feeling really heavy for me tonight. Second set definitely felt better. Worth noting this is the first time I'm doing a heavy squat session after a work day rather than the weekend.
Quads are feeling better and this is the most consistently prolonged period my back has felt decent in a long time so I'm very happy overall. Powerlifting is playing second fiddle at the moment to boxing and just being healthy.
I also haven't deadlifted in quite awhile, mostly because of my back. I'm thinking this Thursday I'll reintroduce them with a Dirty Double: 20 reps of squats super-set with 20 reps of deadlifts, and then a back-off set of Romanians.