Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Yukon squats
410 x 13 (PR)
330 x 21 (PR), 17
Super-set with pull-overs
25 x 20, 20 

I was dragging this session and felt absolutely awful at the end, but the weight felt stupidly light under the bar. Have to remember to ask myself when I'm feeling crummy from anything that's not fatigue: are you going to feel any better waiting 2 more minutes than you do now? Usually the answer is no.

Still, immensely happy about the numbers. Back is on a consistent trend of feeling better. Doing martial art katas - basically, just kicking in slow motion to open up my hips - during bouts of sitting as well as before bed is making a notable difference. Have been doing regular mountain climbers throughout the day too.

As per my new back health protocol, will do dumbbell deadlifts later separate from squats in order to give my back a chance to recover.