Work up to 8 plates x 10, 10, 10
Incline Swiss bar bench with Fat Gripz
165 x 8, 9, 8
Super-set with Meadows rows
115 x 8, 9, 8
11, 10
Super-set with dumbbell preacher curls
35s x 9, 8
Finished in an hour.
My back is feeling much better. I'm pretty much without pain now. The only niggling factor is that weird disjointed sensation when I bend backwards. I wish I had an exact time when that started but it might have been from pushing my body at the deadlift part of my meet. It's definitely preventing me from maxing out on deadlift singles for awhile.
That's fine, there are so many more ways I can progress and let my body heal in the meantime. And while I won't be surprised if it's something serious down the road, I've also had gnarly sensations before that heal on their own, like that intense nerve pain on my shoulder blades from high bar squatting. That lasted about a year before going away thanks to discovering low bar squats.