Saturday, May 29, 2021

Swiss bar bench
235 x 5
265 x 3
300 x 1
225 x 3 x 8, 9, 9
Wielding this is getting easier. Thought I might have had another 300 in me.

Kroc rows
160 x 21 

Dumbbell rows (super-set with bench sets)
115 x 8, 9, 9

Swiss bar tricep extensions
45 x 10, 10
Extreme stretch on these, actually made it pretty challenging.
Swiss bar curls
45 x 15
Against bands 45 x 10
Liked the banded set, gonna do that more.

Feeling a bit better today, don't feel like I desperately need a nap.

 Felt really run-down yesterday. Despite getting enough sleep I woke-up in a fog and had to take a nap after work. Set-out to do a deadlift max of 615 and didn't budge it, then tried to do 500x8 and could only get a single rep. Knocked out 405x15 after, which is a light-enough weight to not need my brain firing on all cylinders. Happy to have gotten that done, then did some ATG SSB squats with 240x2x10.