Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Swiss bar bench
275 x 6, 5
285 x 5
225 x 12
Super-set with Meadows rows
2 plates x 8, 8, 10
3 plates x 8
* Order out of chaos. Last night I wrenched my shoulder doing dynamic stretches and it hurt to raise my arm. Was still feeling it today so rather than try to continue and fail the cycle I'm on I switched to a favorite protocol of working up to 3x8 on a particular weight. I sometimes insert this after a 531 cycle just to change things up (modifications are bound to happen after 10 years) and periodize with a higher rep scheme than 5. Wasn't happening with 275, though. I got the hunch that my strength endurance is more hampered by the shoulder than anything so I reverted course and set-up 285 like I was supposed to. Mid-set of this as I grinded rep 4 up I realized many of my reps today have been very low down my body, almost like a decline bench, probably a subconscious measure to protect my shoulder. I pressed the final rep higher up on my chest and the weight practically fell over my head with how much easier that was. So I ended up getting the minimum reps I needed with a much tougher work-up journey despite a pissed shoulder.

Band-resisted Arnold press
50s x 8
50s without bands x 8
Super-set with T-bar rows
4 plates x 10, 10

Medley of chest flyes, rear-delt band raises, skull crushers, and keg curls