Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sick and sniffly. Also trained hungry. Gotta stop these 3-hour long breakfasts and just force-feed myself something in the morning quick(er).

Bench press:
240 x 3
280 x 3
317 x 5
• Was hoping for 6 or 7, but oh well, pretty good. Can't expect a PR every session anymore. A year of that was amazing enough.

Incline bench press:
205 x 3 x 10
205 x 8

Bilateral dumbbell rows:
100s x 5 x 15

Slow dumbbell press:
30s x 25
20s x 30
15s x 30
• Some pec-tendon pain with the 30s. Might go back to wide push-ups instead.

Swiss bar preacher curls:
107 x 10
35 x 20 (slow)

No rear-delt work, wanted to get home and spend new year's eve with my girlfriend. Will throw some in either later or tomorrow. Probably a good thing to let my pecs rest, too.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

SSB box squats:
330 x 5

405 x 5

SSB squats:
340 x 5

510 x 12 sec

SSB squats:
150 x 30

Neck work


Goblet squats:
50 x 50

V-ups for abs

Fun day. No hard structure here, just wanted to hit some of the parts that'll make my deadlift and squat stronger. I was thinking about going heavy on deads but my core is trashed.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Push press:
225 x 5
255 x 3
280 x 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
• As with last time I didn't lockout, which I would count as 0 on other lifts, but I find that as long as the weight gets up there my press goes up, so it's a rep as far as what I need to accomplish.
• My push press form is awful. I had a tendency today especially (possibly because my lower body is still destroyed from squat day) to sink down and pause before trying to explode up, which always resulted in failure. Standing too wide made my explosion weaker, as well, because it took a shorter range of motion for it to become too deep.

5 x 12
• So much better on my pec-tendons than pull-ups, although I still stop before my speed slows down too much.

Overhead press:
177 x 9, 7, 7
• Rather than try to grind my way to a rep PR I increased the weight and decreased the rest times to make an attainable record go by faster.

Swiss bar OHP:
125 x 13
85 x 15

40s x 10

Spider curls:
50s x 10

Band pull-aparts:

Can't wait for UFC 168 tonight.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

300 x 5
350 x 5
400 x 10
• Very excited about this.

417 x 5
• Doing linear progression back up. I need a long period of retraining my CNS to power the weight up.

SSB squats:
322 x 10, 10, 8
• Tweaked my back on the final rep, which was the amount I was going to do anyway, coincidentally. My back has been feeling much better lately, though. Just gotta keep it up and bring in yoga again.

Neck work

Glute-ham raises:

RIP my Xperia Play, as much of a crappy phone it turned out to be. One more week until I can get a new one. In the meantime, I've had to make do with my old broken Droid as a music player.
Hiked with the gf for Christmas, keeping in tradition with what I used to do with George back in CA.

Afterwards, went and saw 47 Ronin, which was goofy as hell but had good moments. Defragging Terminator scum in the arcade afterward made it all positively merry.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve training.

Bench press:
230 x 5
265 x 5
300 x 8
• Upper-body was sore so I anticipated doing only 5, but the bar felt light.

Bent-over rows:
225 x 15, 12, 15, 12

Incline bench press:
205 x 10, 10, 10
• The outer edge of my left hand hurt when gripping to remove my wrist cloths. Do more hand extension exercises (e.g. with broccoli bands).

Dumbbell press:
35s x 30
25s x 25
• Very slow and wide to promote chest hypertrophy, something I took from Wade Johnson. Harder than I thought, amazingly. Forearms felt fried.

Swiss bar preacher curls:
85 x 13

Kettlebell rows:
50 x 50

Band pull-aparts:

A man was training his son in the gym today and he commented in a complimentary fashion to him how long my warm-up was, which prompted me chat him up. He said my legs look like tree trunks.
Goblet squats:
50 x 55, 50, 45

Partial pistols:

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Overhead press:
172 x 5
197 x 5
227 x 4, 3
• Couldn't get a 5th, even when adding only 2 pounds per cycle instead of 5.

175 x 10, 10, 10
• A small victory.

10, 10, 10, 10
12, 12

Overhead dumbbell press:
60s x 14
40s x 20
• Harder than I thought but I was wiped, and made my pec-tendon hurt, surprisingly.

50s x 7

Spider curls:
50s x 13

Stack x 15

Rear-delt flyes:
35s x 14

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


185 x 5
230 x 5
275 x 5

365 x 5

SSB squats:
220 x 3 x 10

Monday, December 16, 2013


Bench press:
140 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 5

Bilateral dumbbell rows:
80s x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Incline bench press:
155 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Decline push-ups:

Sunday, December 15, 2013

My lovely boyfriend, Hormuz,  and I are enjoying imported beers and each other. <3 He trains hard, so I spoil him well. <3

Goblet squats:
50 x 40, 30, 20

Friday, December 13, 2013


Overhead press:
105 x 5
130 x 5
160 x 5
135 x 10, 10, 10

10, 10, 10

Lat pulldowns:
220 x 15
Arnold press
65s x 10

Literally copied-and-pasted this from last time.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

40-minute jog this morning, then walked home. Finally got our fridge replaced so I can eat fresh foods again.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

345 x 5
390 x 3
435 x 5
• Holy shit, this was easy.

412 x 5
• Couldn't even do 405x1 a few days ago. So yeah, I definitely deadlift better at this point in time after squats. Again, it's entirely mental, and I'm considering a max pull on this day until I get my psyche in order. After squats I don't feel shy about my back, I just bend and rip it up.

SSB squats:
320 x 10 x 3 x 10
• Felt extremely light. I even checked the bar again to make sure I was squatting in the 300s.

Neck machine:
100 x 10, 10

Neck crunches:
25 x 10, 10

315 x 15

SSB holds:
600 x 10 seconds
510 x 12
420 x 12

Monday, December 9, 2013

Bench press:
260 x 5
295 x 3
330 x 3
• Failed a 4th. For some reason I was lowering slow this session and almost doing a pause bench, so that's not too bad all things considered.

Kroc rows:
165 x 27
• Was way harder on my left side than my right, for some reason. Couldn't get into a natural-feeling position.

Incline bench press:
202 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Meadows rows:
100 x 10, 10

Inverted rows:
200 x 15, 15

Decline push-ups:
17, 15
•Wide to narrow.

Swiss bar preacher curls:
110 x 6
85 x 9

Band pull-aparts

Sunday, December 8, 2013

30 minute jog yesterday, and 30 minute walk home.

So, my freezer caught on fire today.

Just a ridiculous situation. Still waiting for them to come over and wheel the smelly thing out (the manager office is not supposed to be closed on Sunday). I've had some chest pains from breathing in smoke. 

How much of a dumbass fire do you have to be to try and burn in a freezer?

Friday, December 6, 2013

405 x 0, 1

SSB walkout:
490 x 10 sec

SSB squats:
335 x 5, 1
• Back tweaked.

Neck machine:
100 x 10

Neck crunches:
25 x 10
• New icon for super-sets.

SSB squats:
150 x 30, 20

It's clear that I need to get my back health in order before I can be good at the deadlift. Keep up the yoga, go on walks, etc.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Back from anniversary beach stay. Diet was very good, sleep was not.

Overhead press:
195 x 5
225 x 3
250 x 1

175 x 10, 10, 9, 8

10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Incline skullcrushers:
50s x 10

One-arm lat pulldowns:
200 x 13

Rear-delt flyes:
20s x 25, 20, 15

Spider curls:
45s x 15, 10, 10

Monday, December 2, 2013

10 minutes of foam rolling and stretching both Saturday and Sunday night.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

320 x 3
365 x 3
410 x 6
> Interesting. It seems that my squats suffer worse from infrequency than my upper-body. Felt weak, but if I can hit that on a bad day then things are going well.

405 x 2, 1
> The weight started sliding off to one side so I had to stop and fetch clips. Was only able to hit 1 after resuming because my back felt bad. Reps were fast enough to just treat these as speed deadlifts.

Goblet squats:
50 x 55, 46. 45

Reverse crunches: