Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Pressed 190x5 yesterday while my elbow was bugging me, so I switched to the log, working up to sets of 180 for 5 after repping 160x8 several times and super-setting them with weighted 45 lb chinups. Began and started with my wrist curl protocol, which always makes it feel good.

Happy to discover there was no pain under the log, though. Will give bar pressing a break for overhead lifts.

Despite that, elbow feels like it's trending in a positive direction. I'm doing the work to heal and training intelligently around it, so all that's left is time.

535 x 3

Pause deadlifts
405 x 3

315 x 3 x 10

10 barbell shrugs at the end of each and every set.

Later at night:

Front squats
170 x 2 x 10
Super-set with SSB squats
170 x 2 x 10

Prowler runs