The Yukon bar also poses a challenge when it's hot out because of its smooth knurling. It was 98 today, which isn't uncomfortable to me, but I had to keep chalking my shoulders up and sweat still made the bar feel like it's slipping. I'm wondering if my positioning was off and I wasn't firing my legs properly trying to keep it stationed. On the plus side, it was REALLY easy to drop behind me.
I'm thinking I might try swapping in the straight bar next cycle just because I'm really curious what the transfer feels like like.
Came by after work and finished this in 30 minutes.
Back squat/front squat
Up to 225 x 10/10
Drop-down to 185 x 8/8
Good mornings
150 x 10, 10
Super-set with band leg curls (no counting)
Ab medley of 5 slow standing wheel rollouts, 20 sec plank, and 10 slow Swiss ball crunches
Thanks to Mythical Strength's ebook for the squat idea, although I've been thinking about trying some of that same stuff from his training log for awhile. Zero knee pain here by the way despite going without sleeves.