Monday, October 23, 2006

Entry #337

Have settled on a slight alteration of previous program, in order to avoid training with ORM's.

Day 1~Max effort Upperbody
A. MAX-EFFORT LIFT (ME)~ Work up to a max set of 3-5 reps.
Pick any and use for 1~3 weeks:
Bench Press, CG Bench, 2 Board Bench, Floor Press, Incline

B. SUPPLEMENTAL LIFT~Perform 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps.
Pick any and use for 3 weeks:
DB Bench, CG DB Bench, DB Incline, DB Military

C. HORIZONTAL ROW~Perform 5 sets of 10-15 reps.
Pick any and use for 3 weeks:
Bent-over barbell rows, DB Rows, Rev Grip Bent-over rows

D. REAR DELT/UPPER BACK~Perform 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.
Pick any:
Bent-over dumbbell rear delt flyes, seated DB "Cleans"

Just pick a variety of ab exercises and perform them in circuit fashion with no rest between exercises.

Day 2~Dynamic Lower Body

DYNAMIC EFFORT LIFT ~Several Sets of Low Reps, with Low Weight. These
lifts should be done with as great of speed as possible. This will help
build explosiveness. Use wave loading for weights on lifts for 3 week
minicycles (week 1~50% 1rm, week 2~55% 1rm, week 3~60% 1rm).
Perform 6~10 sets of 2-3 reps.
Pick any and use for 3 weeks:
Box Squat, Speed Squat, Speed Pulls, Power Clean, Snatch, Box Jumps (no weight)

B. HAMSTRING / POSTERIOR CHAIN MOVEMENT~Perform 4~5 sets of 6~10 reps.
Pick any and use for 3 weeks:
Romanian deadlifts, GHR, Ball Leg Curl, Reverse Hyper, Good Morning, Pull through, DB Swings

Not really too much you can do with this one. Just do some weighted crunches. If you can hang from a bar, do hanging leg raises.

D. GRIP TRAINING~Perform 3 sets of timed sets of 30 seconds
Plate pinching, Hex DB Holds

Day 3~Repitition/Dynamic upper body

REPETITION EFFORT LIFT (RE)~Work up to 3 sets of max reps, rest 60
seconds between sets. use 50% 1RM for lifts and record total reps, and
try to break record every week.
Pick any and use for 3 weeks:
Bench Press, Incline, Regular push-ups (no weight), bar push-ups or suspended chain push-ups (no weight), Dips

DYNAMIC EFFORT LIFT (DE)~Alternate RE and DE lifting in 3 week cycles.
These lifts should be done with as great of speed as possible. This
will help build explosiveness. Use a constant wave loading for 3 week
mini cycles (week 1,2,3~50% 1rm).
Perform 6~8 sets of 3 reps.
Pick any and use for 3 weeks:
Speed Bench, Push Press

B. SUPPLEMENTAL LIFT (triceps)~Perform 4~5 sets of 5~10 reps.
Pick any and use for 3 weeks:
Dips, Dumbbell triceps extensions (flat, incline or decline bench), barbell tricep extension

C. VERTICAL PULLING~Perform 5 sets of 8~12 reps.
Pick any and use for 3 weeks:
Chin~ups, Pull~ups, Lat Pulldown, CG Pulldown

D. DELT or TRAP EXERCISE~Perform 3 sets of 10~15 reps.
Pick any:
Barbell or dumbbell shrugs, Front or Side Raises

Day 4~Max effort lower body

A. MAX~EFFORT LIFT~Work up to a max set of 5 reps.
any and use for 1~3 weeks: Straight bar deadlifts (conventional, sumo,
snatch grip, standing on blocks/weight plates, weights off of weight
plates), Box Squat, Front Squat, Squat

B. UNILATERAL MOVEMENT~Perform 3 sets of 8~15 reps.
Pick any and use for 3 weeks:
Walking lunges, DB SL Squat BFE, DB SL Split squat, step ups

C. HAMSTRING / POSTERIOR CHAIN MOVEMENT~Perform 3 sets of 6~10 reps.
Romanian deadlifts, GHR, Ball Leg Curl, Reverse Hyper, Good Morning, Pull through, DB Swings
Not really too much you can do with this one. Just do some weighted crunches. If you can hang from a bar, do hanging leg raises.

First day went in accordance. Bench press has dropped by 20 lbs., however; I was able to manage 235 lbs. for three reps. I don't expect this to be much of a platueau, if any.

Came across Jeff working at the front desk, with whom I had had plans set~up for a fight. He expressed interest in regular training sessions. I'll have to check the Academy for possible open~gym periods.

Lower~back feels extremely stiff, so I'm setting aside ample time for extensive static initiatives for it.