110 x 5
130 x 3
160 x 8
185 x 5
Last set followed by 12 pull-ups
Axle clean and press every rep
140 x 3 x 8
Super-set with pull-ups x 3 x 10
Incline dumbbell press
80s x 12, 10
Dumbbell curls
35s x 4 x 10
Reverse hyper
200 x 3 x 10
Overhead band pull-aparts
2 x 20
Haven't pressed the axle in a while and totally forgot it's 25 lbs lighter than the barbell. Got to 160 lbs and thought things felt abnormally light before I realized it wasn't 185.
Made bicep curls harder via a tip from John Meadows about not hammer curling the weight partially up, but supinating the wrists at the very beginning of the movement.
Signed up for sparring on Tuesday. Brought back cleans to add a conditioning element to press day. Also happy to report that my shoulders have improved enough to press with a straight bar again. A little discomfort in the right still, but big difference from before.
Eggs are still out at Costco. I don't want them bad enough to go hunting for them at other stores even though I probably could get them if I tried hard enough. Bought plenty of steak at Costco yesterday to make up the difference.