Friday, May 24, 2019

Bench press
215 x 5
245 x 5
280 x 7
215 x 15
* Was hoping for 8 but still good. As I lose weight I've noticed while my 1RMs continue to climb my strength-endurance feels challenged. By about rep 7 or 8 my muscles really feel it. Not declining, though.

50 x 10, 10
35 x 10
Bodyweight x 11
Super-set with wide-grip pull-ups and chin-ups x 10-11
* Back-work was all over the place - did weighted reps with 50 and dropped off to bodyweight when fatigued. Kept rest times pretty short for me, 2-3 minutes. 

Curls and rear-delt work
Last workout before Fanime weekend. Will update with pictures.
Went to Muay Thai on Wednesday. Worked pads with a timid new guy. Did a long string of combos and finished off with bagwork.


320 x 5
370 x 5
420 x 5
340 x 8
315 x 10, 10
* Core started to give on the last rep but I made it. Legs were strong. An expected result of getting so light (I weighed 189.6 today, haven't been close to that since I was 18) but still, more ab work!

405 x 9

315 x 9
* Pronated grip.


Aerobic workout in the evening.