Thursday, May 3, 2018

Missed Muay Thai yesterday because I took a nap after getting home late from having my car serviced and I overslept. Rest did me well though, I felt sore and tired. Went on a 45 minute walk at a quick pace after dinner.
SSB squats
345 x 5
390 x 3
435 x 1
With no more knee pain and my back feeling better going in I'm squatting more confidently. Actually, my back has been hurting when I wake up more than before but today at work I massaged it a bunch and did some stretches. Have some postural changes in mind to implement. Very pleased with how easy this was compared to prior weeks and what that signifies as I lose weight and do Muay Thai (admittedly I have not gone this week as much).

330 x 7, 8, 8

Abs and Swiss ball leg curls

4 hill sprints a couple of hours later.