Tuesday, June 20, 2023

 Swiss bar bench
Up to 255 x 5
225 x 6
205 x 8, 8, 10
Super-set with dumbbell rows
115 x 8, 8, 8, 8, 10

Lateral raises
15s x 12

Dumbbell curls
35s x 15
50s x 8

Band pressdowns

Most substantive workout with COVID yet. Looking lots smaller now. It's a challenge to eat with this cough but weightgainer is a massive help. Definitely made the right call ordering it.

Strength is still there. It was quite an experience to be hacking my lungs out under the bench, taking a moment, and then powering through some heavy bench sets. Felt very invigorating. The plague cannot snuff out this power.

Was coughing a ton during this session and afterwards. It was fairly exhausting. At one point my ab muscle actually cramped up and I had to stand and hold it firm. A steamy shower helped bring it down. I'm running my little humidifier in my room tonight. As of 11:17pm right now, it's an annoying cough but not what I would call a coughing attack.

Funny observation: whenever I would bench press heavy, any sensation to cough went away. Maybe something about the weight constricting my diaphram. The iron cures all.

 Did some barbell training the last 2 days. On Sunday, did 50 total reps with 135 on the Swiss bar bench and 15 chin-ups. Yesterday, went up to 225x5 on the Swiss bar and did 20 chin-ups.

Cough is relentless. Last night was the worst it's been.