Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Took advantage of my new late work schedule today with some fasted cardio. This was really fun. Put on my Google Daydream headset and rode the exercise bike to some VR bike videos on YouTube. Got bored of this after 10 minutes so put on Baki the Grappler to watch instead. After around 20 minutes of biking I got up and shadow kickboxed for a bit to loosen myself up, then did 20 burpees. Legs felt pretty jelly-like afterwards but it went away after 5 minutes. 

Blending tech with cardio really makes me miss the PS2 Eyetoy. Why has nobody replicated that? Sure, there was a PS3 version but the games tried to be more ambitious rather than just a fun novelty of filming you on-screen punching things and shit. Haven't found anything good on PC that's an equivalent, either.

Also want to mention my back has been feeling horrible lately. Yesterday I stretched it, did some no-resistance reverse hypers off the couch, and did a janky chiro session I've found makes me feel good by flopping my body over the Swiss ball and rocking side-to-side, which very lightly cracks it. Still hurts but feels better today. I need to do daily maintenance of it.