Thursday, November 7, 2019

Did 13 minutes this morning pre-breakfast alternating between 1-minute of skipping rope and 1-minute of shadowboxing. Added 50 lb kettlebell swings in one round of that. Only had some sips of a protein shake upon waking up.
Was the only guy at Muay Thai last night but the gal I got partnered up with hit like a beast and was pretty experienced. Worked 3 combos on the boxing mitts:

1, feint, 1-2
1, feint, 3-2
1, feint, 5-2

Ended the rounds with rapid 1-2s.

Moved on to the bag with the emphasis on throwing these with more power. Ended with a lot of push-ups. Shoulders are tired and the push-ups were to failure so I'll be taking tomorrow today off from benching.