135, 185, 205 x 3
Sumo deadlifts
295 x 3
385 x 3
475 x 2 + 10 shrugs
525 x 1 + 10 shrugs
525 x 3
Immediately after deadlifts:
50 goblet squats with 50 lb kettlebell
30 stiff-legged deadlifts with two 50 lb kettlebells, shrugging with each rep
Farmer's walk with said kettlebells around the yard
That's plenty for this evening. Of any day, this is the most I back-off and leave extra fuel in the tank for the sake of my back. As I mentioned in my last entry, it felt horrible for most of this week, showed signs of improving yesterday, and was a little better yet today. It's possible I'll wake up with pain from the session tomorrow so I'll have to see if this was a handable amount of work for me or not, but as of right now I'm very pleased.
Sumo deadlifts are such a hack for pulling heavy with a pissy back. I only started doing them a few months ago. I'm not saying bye to conventional pulling but I'm over forcing them when my body just won't have it.