Tuesday, July 16, 2024

135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 3

Chin-ups: 20, 15, 12

One-arm standing dumbbell press
80 x 4/3 (right hand, left hand)
50 x 12, 12, 15

Incline dumbbell skullcrushers
35s x 8, 10

Felt pain in my sternum on 155 that got worse on 175 so I shut it down, not that I had much left in me anyways as my pressing strength is way down. Hurt to breathe afterwards and couldn't complete a chin-up when I tried. Found this very interesting. Used to experience pain like this early in my lifting days when I went heavy on weighted dips, but have never had it happen from overhead pressing. Gotta be something to do with not having barbell overhead pressed in a minute combined with a dramatically lower bodyweight.

The pain was intense at first and then dissipated after 10 minutes. Was able to do chin-ups fine after that and I have no pain the next day, thankfully.

In the realm of good news, my elbow pain was all but gone during everything, even the skullcrushers. I felt a little something on the 20th chin-up rep but that was it. Major improvement.