Monday, August 3, 2020

Helped a friend move yesterday, intentionally trained biceps the day before a little easy to prep but it was actually the easiest move I've ever done. Nothing was very heavy. I think I'm used to moving either by myself or with only one other person so I overestimated the job. Still a decent workout and with it being near 100 and wearing a mask there was some misery involved, although it felt like just another day for me with how used to lifting in my backyard I am.

Had a couple of good lifting days on Friday and Saturday. Squatted 455x5 and benched 317.5x5. Squats were feeling pretty heavy by 405 but benching felt breezy. 

End of last week my back was hurting since last Monday. Feels like an aggravation of my prior injury. Really came out of nowhere too, it happened on the day I felt mega nauseous and sat or lay around most of the day. Feeling better today and I was able to squat on Friday despite it feeling terrible.

One other thing that's been on my mind: gauging by how easy I benched 360 a couple of weeks ago and how fast I'm progressing, I think I may be strong enough to bench 405. I'm contemplating testing this in a safe way sometime in the near future.