Thursday, October 8, 2020

Failed to mat pull 570 a buncha times off 3 mats, then did 495x8. Time for a long overdue change for this day. I think this is one case where the Golgi tendon organ is relevant and I'm training my body to fail week after week. I remember this being an issue way back in Portland years ago even. At least 500 is the new 405, which I remarked on back then as being the new 315.

Normally I'd be excited to try new things out but nearly a month away from competition this really sucks. Still, I know the strength is there so I just need to rack up some wins before gameday.

Plan right now is to reset the mats up to 7-9 and rep 600. After that, roll the bar to the floor and pull 500 for reps. Every 3 weeks will be a heavy single day from the floor. No failing a single rep.

Anyway, glad to have gotten the 500x8 at least. Will return to do belt squats and lunges tomorrow.