Couple of lifting sessions to report. Mat pulled 585x3 off of 9 mats followed by deadlifting 500x5 with a controlled eccentric. At first I couldn't budge the 585 but I tried again.
Strict pressed 210x3 and got a great pump doing banded strict presses giant-set with band chest presses and chin-ups. My press number has diminished by a factor of about 15 lbs from the weight loss, but my bench press is mostly holding and that's the important lift right now. Still going to fight the good fight and get this back up though.
Been doing more bag-work. Yesterday I went on a fasted 30-min run after waking up, had a modest-carb breakfast with green tea, then did 5 rounds lasting 2:17 each on the heavy bag.
Weighing in at 207 mid-day with a meal in me and clothes on. Still on creatine.