Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Badly bruised my right heel on Saturday while messing around with the only 2 friends I see now in quarantine. Doing some stupid parkour shit and landed wrong on it. Can't put too much weight on it, walking on the ball of that foot. I think it's getting slightly better but can't be sure. Definitely can't squat on it so I'll be doing sissy squats tomorrow.

After George left I bench pressed with the remaining friend, up to 330x2. Had a third in me but was having trouble getting leg drive. Haven't done boxing in awhile with him, something we talked about doing next time. After I hit that I did 245x10. Gotta say I was surprised at how light that felt, I could have told you I was benching 215. Didn't get to do much else due to training him and time constraints with him having to leave by 4:15 so I'll do some more today.