Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Worked the heavy bag for 3 rounds for 3 minutes each, then did 1 hill sprint followed by a 20 min jog last night.

Swiss bar bench
225 x 5
250 x 5
285 x 5
225 x 13
Last 2 sets super-set with dumbbell rows (unilateral)
100 x 10
115 x 9

Close-grip Swiss bar bench press
195 x 8, 7~drop-down to 155x5
Super-set with dumbbell rows (unilateral)
125 x 9, 10

Seated overhead dumbbell press against bands
50s x 7 ~ drop-down to without bands x 3
Giant set with rear-delt lat raises
Keg curls
160 x 10, 10

I totally meant to do Meadows rows today in light of his recent passing but I forgot. He definitely had an influence on me in the 2000s.


  1. John was just a legit good dude. Not enough of those these days.

    Good to see the forearm healing up and getting some bag work in.

  2. For sure, definitely one of the few names I paid attention to if I saw it attached to a T-Nation article in my feed. And thanks, it was really bad a few weeks ago but I think I put the worst behind me with not much sacrifice aside from a brief reprieve from heavy pulls.
