Friday, March 26, 2021

Did three rounds on the bag yesterday, went pretty easy on it too besides some flashes of explosiveness here and there.

SSB squats
Up to 400 x 7, 8, 8
*Was planning on doing 410 when I saw I only did 400x3x5 last time, not sets of 8 like I thought. And shit this was tough. The last rep of the last set was the closest my back has come to just outright collapsing but still getting it up (I failed once or twice in a power rack with safety bars in the Portland gym years back). I basically had to good morning it partially up. No injury or anything, guess all those mat pulls have done me good. I say that and then I'll probably injure my back warming up with 225 or something soon, that's usually how it goes.

I should explain that because I don't deload on a strict schedule anymore I'm breaking up my 3-week mesocycles with some squat variations. I think maxing out close to 550 every three weeks is just a bad idea, especially on a calorie deficit. I was grappling with this because the golden rule is to not mess with a successful formula but then I remembered I've already been doing this anyway, either with the SSB bar or sets of 8 with a straight bar.

Finished off with a bunch of band leg curls.

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