Monday, August 10, 2020

Bench pressed 335x3 and then murdered my body doing Kroc rows with 200 lbs on the farmers' walk handles. I felt a sensation like the vertebrae between my shoulder blades being pulled apart and that feeling persisted the rest of the evening and night, but now that it's the next day it's gone. Sternum was also hurting, similar to when I overdo heavy weighted dips. If I didn't just do this I would have been speculating about COVID doing something in my chest. Got 16 ugly reps on the last set with my left arm. Could only manage 10-12 on my right, which is the surgery side, and even then it was FAR harder. Might just be a leverage thing and being more comfortable on the other. Did 3 sets total for each arm, partly because it took a bit for me 

Only did 3 sets of decline bench with 225, didn't want to drag this session out long after brutalizing my body and then not getting enough sleep by training into the night. Going to do some isolation lifts to hit the extras after work.

The rows are on video, will upload later. Definitely notice bigger arms from the weight gain. Also got two comments recently about that, one from the cashier asking me if I've "been working out" and the other from my friend who asked if I get remarks from people in public about my physique. 

My back has been feeling pretty good lately. Hoping that translates to a win on mat pulls this week.


  1. Absolutely killing it in training still. That weight gain is for sure going well.

    1. Thanks, it feels like it is. Hating the process but liking the results.
