Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Axle strict press
170 x 5
190 x 3
215 x 2
220 x 2
Realized I miscounted and only hit 215. I really wanted that 220 and luckily got it. This was a good cycle for strict press.

I'm doing a lot more volume lately. Tons of super sets and isolation work almost like a bodybuilder, sometimes two times a day. The workload has been making me lazy with updating this log. Going to strive to record the important stuff at least.

I'm eating to gain weight. Nothing crazy but I definitely want to get to at least 210. Last time I weighed myself I was 192 but that was several weeks ago before I started making homemade weight gainers again and making a concerted effort to do this even though it was in the back of my mind. Friend already commented that my love handles are coming in.


  1. Press is growing very well dude. Good showing. It's funny how alike and not alike you and I are. Your weight tends to drop when left to your own devices and mine tends to rise if I'm not paying attention. But seems like we both grow in those love handles, haha.

  2. Thanks, it feels really good to be climbing up in the 200s again. Never been one of those lifters who complain about their press being the lift that's always stuck but boy was it taking longer than the ones to get back up after surgery.

    1. I'm sure. It took me a long time to really fire on all cylinders post surgery, but I imagine all the stuff you were doing outside of the pressing is probably all coming together now and really helping it come along.
