Thursday, June 4, 2020

25 minutes of fasted cardio in the morning. Majority was on the exercise bike while watching Demon Slayer, the rest was some light shadowkickboxing.

After breakfast went and trained traps and neck. Hise shrugs of 330 x 20, 30, 20, neck crunches with the Iron Woody band, and finishing off with neck bridges.

Also, yesterday evening after work I fit in a 30 minute workout for chest and biceps. 


  1. Dude, you are firing on all cylinders these days. Huge PRs and numbers on squats, bench and presses. Ride this out as long as you can.

    I like the title of Demon Slayer: you recommend it? I've been watching mostly Netflix anime. Getting back into martial arts stuff. Really appreciated Baki and Kengan Ashura. I need to rewatch Hajime no Ippo again, but it's SUCH a long series, haha.

  2. Demon Slayer is good, but perhaps not as immediately metal as the title might have you think. It's somber in tone and the protagonist is a vulnerable kid learning to fight. Think Attack on Titan, almost. I hear Goblin Slayer is badass but I haven't watched that yet (always used to confuse the two series). I've been wanting to watch the "new" Hajime No Ippo for years, gotta get around to it.

    And thanks so much, that's an uplifting comment to read. Once you workout being able to get stronger while losing weight, gaining weight feels like cheat mode.
