Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Back pain more or less feels the same but I'm more mobile today. Don't know if it's physical or mental. Can't really load anything with my back so I did a calisthenics workout. Push ups and chin-ups or pull-ups as a superset. try to do it without any rest times but that wasn't happening. Left number is push-ups and right number is chin-ups or pull-ups.

50 20
10 10
Here I had to take a rest. Just glad I got 50 push-ups there, which I wanted no matter what.
10 8
10 5
10 7
10 5

finish off with 10 wide grip pull-ups on their own since push-ups were so much higher a number.

Came up with a goal midway through to get 100 push-ups. I know that ain't exactly championship training but I have always been horrible at push-ups. My triceps just feel like collapsing after rep 30. Always just considered it a fast twitch handicap but that's all the more reason to train something. Thanks injury. Also I'm pretty sure I can gut out 50 push-ups anytime now whereas in my teens and early twenties it was considered a remarkable day to hit that amount.

Thought about calling off of work but I'm going to go anyways.

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