Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Yukon squats
460 x 7+3 (PR)
320 x 21
25 lb kb pull-overs x 20

* Racked it, felt I had more, then hit 3. Can't say I regret doing a pit-stop at 7 because I've been benefiting greatly by being cautious with my back, so rest-pausing was the perfect answer. Give the back a chance to deload but still take the legs to their limit. I will do this more.

* Was roughly aiming for 320x25 but the 21st rep was a real fight not to fold in half. Happy with the effort. Have to keep in mind I just did deadlifts and squats the day before yesterday, and it's just awesome I can rep what I did today so soon after that. I have not been slacking on ab work but I would love to try hitting abs more intensely and see how much that increases my ability to stay standing. Bar walkouts too - I'm thinking with 600.

I don't have a whole lot of time before I end my gaining phase. I absolutely need a diet break soon.
EDIT: Came inside, made a protein shake, dropped off the cat who was in the gym with me (see fig. 1), and then went back to do something about my unacceptably comfortable hamstrings

Fig. 1

Reverse hyper leg curls:
295 x 30
Super-set with reverse hyper leg extensions
295 x 30

First time I felt like these movements REALLY hit the target muscle. Key is to go heavy enough and resist the eccentric as soon as the peak is reached since the apparatus wants to swing back and forth to your gravitational advantage. Hammies were blown up and I had to pause before getting off because I was unsure my legs would even support me. I can hit another round of this after work along with abs.

Leaving for a trip to Portland tomorrow with George to see a grade-school friend who lives there. Haven't been back in 8 years. Kind of emotionally rocky but I'm set on not letting that ruin travel, as a principle. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Block press (equal to 1-board press)
285 x 8, 8, 7 - drop-down to 225x4 bench press
Super-set with T-bar rows
5 plates x 10
5 plates + 25 plate x 12, 15

Giant sets
Incline dumbbell press: 50s x 17, 12
Band pull-aparts x 20, 20
Decline dumbbell press: 50s x 12, 12

Triceps weren't recovered from pushing 100 lb dips so close to failure on Saturday so this was just a massive effort of suffering by keeping rest times shorter than usual and increasing the block press weight. Got done in roughly 45 minutes.

Forgot to put my elbow sleeves on while working up to 285 and accidentally found out I don't have elbow pain benching 225 without them. Very cool.

Post-workout with a pump, contemplating this cursed anabolic existence. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Sumo deadlifts
Work-up to 505 x 1, 2
2 sets of 10 and then 12 shrugs at the top

Dumbbell RDLs
125s x 15 with shrug at top of each rep

SSB front squats
240 x 12
Super-set with SSB squats
240 x 10
* Absolutely awful. Lied to myself and said let's just get 5 of the back squats because my legs felt dead, and then gutted out 5 more. 

My back was in a little pain today from the office chair at work. After moving around and doing some kettlebell swings and light reverse hypers it felt great and ready for deadlifts. Very curious how it's going to feel waking up tomorrow. Muscle soreness or the bad kind of pain?

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Log clean once and strict press away: 125 x 5
Kettlebell high pulls: 50s x 5
4 rounds untimed, then 10 rounds in 6:19

Attempted this without elbow sleeves, decided it'd be better for my healing process to don them, and then ran through 10 rounds.

100 lbs x 10, 9, 8
Super-set with neutral grip chin-ups 
20, 18, 15

Dips x 20

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Yukon squats
340 x 21
Super-set with 20 pullovers

Keg curls
35, 35

Dumbbell curl drop-set with 50s x 20, 35s x 10

Just tying up some odds and ends I didn't get done on deadlift and bench day. Wanted to hit quads and biceps.

And how rad is it that I'm at the point where 340x21 is a back-off performance from my main squat day?! Don't get me wrong, I struggled to get that 21st rep but I'm not running the Super Squats program. I simply noticed one day that 20-rep squats were making my top set numbers rise so I've been sticking to what's been working and treating this as assistance work.

My back is pretty sore from T-bar rows, which hasn't happened on that exercise before. I've been really going intense with rows and chins so snapped a couple pictures from behind.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Block press (equal to 1-board press)
280 x 9, 8, 8, 8
Super-set with T-bar rows
5 plates x 10, 10, 12
5 plates + 25 x 12

Giant set of incline dumbbell press, Band pull-aparts, decline dumbbell press x 15-20

Swiss bar incline skullcrushers
45 x 28

20 push-ups

Triceps were blown the hell up after this. Very pleased with how the pressing is progressing.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Up to 540 x 2

And...that's it! Definitely had the strength for 1 or 2 more but I hit my goal and walked away feeling healthy. Will wait before applying more back-loading exercises tomorrow. 

One thing I should do is keep my head down, although the meathead in me also appreciates the neck workout this felt like. Also forgot to do my usual shrugs while holding this.

Yesterday I went for the first swim of the year. Nothing intensive, just a few laps.

Got to the office early today and knocked out 30 burpees. During lunch break, did several sets of wrist curls and reverse wrist curls with 65 lbs.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Log clean once and strict press away: 125 x 5
Kettlebell high pulls: 50s x 5
2 rounds

* 1 round was interrupted by reminding myself I better put on my elbow sleeves for my right elbow. Round 2 was interrupted by my boss calling me about something inconsequential. After turning on Do Not Disturb:

11 rounds in 6:31
* There we go, 20-second time improvement!

Weighted dips
100 x 9, 10, 9
Super-set with chin-ups
17, 15, 15

Bodyweight dips x 22

Training partner gave me a nod of approval about this session.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Yukon squats
430 x 12 (PR)
335 x 20

20 pullovers

Felt like I was sleepwalking and then my energy levels suddenly exploded on the top set once I got my belt on and turned up the music. As much as I don't like getting caught up in using rituals in order to move weight, when they work they're just magical.

Work week has been hectic, in some ways just from the schedule and in other ways from my boss. But I'm doing really well for myself. I've been striking a seriously warrior-like balance with how I've been standing firm for myself (for example, saying no over the phone today to working on the weekend which means no day off) but not escalating anything. Feeling wise and confident despite the challenges.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Did 40 burpees before work, with full ROM push-ups and squats. Training schedule is impacted by extensive construction going on around our condo, including in the yard. No way to be down there until the evening. So I'm letting my joints be happy with the extra rest while I do calisthenics and Muay Thai practice indoors, as well as running in the evening. Tomorrow I'll be able to squat in the evening after work. 

Speaking of joints, my elbow continues to feel better. Was able to do push-ups today for the first time without having to be uber careful. Before I was starting with a partial ROM and gingerly going deeper into the set, but I didn't feel the elbow at all today. 

Decline block press (equal to 1-board press)
280 x 8, 7, 8
Flat: 280 x 6 -> drop-down to 220x6, 220 x 9
Super-set with T-bar rows
5 plates x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
* Feeling the effects of those weighted dips. Honestly, good. It's awesome that I can still train heavy while healing my elbow.

Giant set:
Decline dumbbell press: 50s x 12
Incline: 50s x 8
Band pull-aparts x 20

Swiss bar skullcrushers
45 x 253

Monday, May 15, 2023

Log clean once and strict press away: 125 x 5
Kettlebell high pulls: 50s x 5
11 rounds in 6:53
* Underslept, hungry, and feeling like I need a nap but no matter. Progress every week. There is no stopping me.

Weighted dips
100 x 8, 8, 9
Super-set with chin-ups
15, 15, 16

Bodyweight dips x 22

Friday, May 12, 2023

 Did 40 burpees yesterday before going to the office, then did a round of Muay Thai shadowboxing on lunch break mixed with 4 or 5 sets of various wrist curls using the office barbell with 75 lbs.

 Plenty of stretches at the desk too. Back continues to be in a good place.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Yesterday when I got home from work in the evening I hit:

Dumbbell RDLs
125s x 20, 17
Shrugged every rep on 2nd set

Hip thrusts
110 x 20

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Yukon squats
410 x 13 (PR)
330 x 21 (PR), 17
Super-set with pull-overs
25 x 20, 20 

I was dragging this session and felt absolutely awful at the end, but the weight felt stupidly light under the bar. Have to remember to ask myself when I'm feeling crummy from anything that's not fatigue: are you going to feel any better waiting 2 more minutes than you do now? Usually the answer is no.

Still, immensely happy about the numbers. Back is on a consistent trend of feeling better. Doing martial art katas - basically, just kicking in slow motion to open up my hips - during bouts of sitting as well as before bed is making a notable difference. Have been doing regular mountain climbers throughout the day too.

As per my new back health protocol, will do dumbbell deadlifts later separate from squats in order to give my back a chance to recover.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Block press
275 x 10 (equivalent to 2 board press)
275 x 8, 8, 8 (1 board)
Super-set with dumbbell rows
125s x 10, 11, 11, 12

Dumbbell press
Incline: 80s x 5 -> drop 50s x 12
Against bands: 50s x 10
Decline: 50s x 15
Super-set with Band pull-aparts x 25, 25, 25

Monday, May 8, 2023

Just arrived at the office and hit 60 burpees before heating up my meal-prepped ground bison and quinoa breakfast. Also took the time to make myself coffee the night before instead of waiting until I get home since work days are a little longer starting this week. Bring it on, Monday.

Those 545 lb shrugs have made my neck crazy sore. Never felt anything this intense when doing neck crunches.

LUNCHTIME EDIT: got some Muay Thai practice in on my break. Back is feeling happy today.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Deadlifts - 1st set sumo, 2nd set conventional
315 x 2, 2
405 x 2, 2
455 x 2, 2
505 x 2, 1
Sumo only: 525 x 1(PR), 545 x 0, 1(PR) + 10 shrugs 
Notes: Amazing how back-friendly sumos are. The first attempt at 545 was basically a pause deadlift, as I broke the weight off the ground but for some reason couldn't lift it more than an inch up for a few seconds. No problem whatsoever with pain. Got it on a second attempt.
I could have kept pushing the conventional stance, but based on how 505 felt (not awful but I could feel some aggravation) I opted to play it safe. Very happy with this return to heavy pulling. My priority is walking away pain-free. I'm no longer going to accept pulling big numbers and then needing to heal my back for days on end. Letting go of the ego in regards to sumo (e.g. it looks stupid, it's cheating, etc.) is an exciting development.

SSB front squats
200 x 10 
Super-set with SSB back squats
200 x 10
Notes: another new practice is keeping the loading on my back very moderated after heavy pulls. This way I'm not guessing what caused any potential injury, the main top sets or the assistance work grinding out reps of deadlifts afterwards. If I want to do more deadlifts, or perhaps good mornings, for repetition work I'll do them later or the next day. For any single session, I am alotting a certain amount of back-loading "currency" that I can use up and run out of before stopping.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Log workout before breakfast. Nutrients were half an Orgain shak, some egg white sips, and coffee.

Log clean once and strict press away: 125 x 5
Kettlebell high pulls: 50s x 5
11 rounds in 7:10
Notes: upped the weight by 5 lbs so will be focusing on getting this time under 6 in the next few weeks.

Weighted dips
75 x 10, 11, 10
Super-set with chin-ups
Bodyweight x 15, 15, 15

Feels great to be crushing these workouts before getting any food in me. I don't know if the extra 5 lbs really made a difference or it was just one of those mornings but the log felt very heavy a few sets in. Once again, experiencing the sensation of getting close to failure and not having any fuel in me, but finding some deep reserves to seriously power the weight up. Every single rep was explosive but it felt like they SHOULDN'T be with how gassed I was, which is weird and awesome.

Because of the unexpected bout of rain, I had my tarps covering everything and equipment was a bit scattered. Wasted a bit of time finding my loading pin for the dips. Definitely prepare the gym the night before so I'm ready to go in the morning.

Traps and rhomboids are surprisingly sore from shrugging at the top of every rep doing those RDLs with 125 lb dumbbells. I've recently been shrugging anywhere from 315 to over 500 with the bar. Probably getting a better squeeze with the dumbbells.
Yukon squats
410 x 10
320 x 22

Went on a run that night and came back the next day:

Dumbbell RDLs with shrug at top of each rep
125s x 2 x 20
Super-set with
Reverse hyper leg extensions
225 x 2 x 20

Ab wheel roller for sets of 5 with pause in each rep 

Monday, May 1, 2023

2-board block press (medium-width grip and then narrow)
275 x 8, 8
Super-set with 
Dumbbell rows
125s x 10, 10

1-board block press (narrow-width grip, i.e. how I normally bench)
275 x 8, 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows
125s x 10, 10

Bench press
225 x 11
Super-set with dumbbell rows
125s x 10

Crazy bells
145 x 9, 15
Giant-set with lateral raises
10s x 15, 15
Swiss bar skullcrushers
45 x 20, 20

Poundstone curls

Noticed last week that my elbow no longer hurts in the morning if I sleep without my sleeve. Today I was able to bench with normal hand placement pain-free. Significant development. Got a great bench workout in as a result.

I can still trigger pain if, for example, I use both hands to push myself up to get up from a lying position (such as lounging on my bed watching a show), but this is a great step forward.