Log clean once and strict press away: 125 x 5
Kettlebell high pulls: 50s x 5
11 rounds in 7:10
Notes: upped the weight by 5 lbs so will be focusing on getting this time under 6 in the next few weeks.
Weighted dips
75 x 10, 11, 10
Super-set with chin-ups
Bodyweight x 15, 15, 15
Feels great to be crushing these workouts before getting any food in me. I don't know if the extra 5 lbs really made a difference or it was just one of those mornings but the log felt very heavy a few sets in. Once again, experiencing the sensation of getting close to failure and not having any fuel in me, but finding some deep reserves to seriously power the weight up. Every single rep was explosive but it felt like they SHOULDN'T be with how gassed I was, which is weird and awesome.
Because of the unexpected bout of rain, I had my tarps covering everything and equipment was a bit scattered. Wasted a bit of time finding my loading pin for the dips. Definitely prepare the gym the night before so I'm ready to go in the morning.
Traps and rhomboids are surprisingly sore from shrugging at the top of every rep doing those RDLs with 125 lb dumbbells. I've recently been shrugging anywhere from 315 to over 500 with the bar. Probably getting a better squeeze with the dumbbells.
500lb shrugs! 👏
ReplyDeleteHaha thank you! Still feeling those days later.