Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Yukon squats
340 x 21
Super-set with 20 pullovers

Keg curls
35, 35

Dumbbell curl drop-set with 50s x 20, 35s x 10

Just tying up some odds and ends I didn't get done on deadlift and bench day. Wanted to hit quads and biceps.

And how rad is it that I'm at the point where 340x21 is a back-off performance from my main squat day?! Don't get me wrong, I struggled to get that 21st rep but I'm not running the Super Squats program. I simply noticed one day that 20-rep squats were making my top set numbers rise so I've been sticking to what's been working and treating this as assistance work.

My back is pretty sore from T-bar rows, which hasn't happened on that exercise before. I've been really going intense with rows and chins so snapped a couple pictures from behind.


  1. Looking positively monstrous dude! We fusion danced our 30s: you became huge and I got lean, haha.

    1. So true, and something I've thought before when seeing how peeled you are haha. Massive thanks for that comment man.
